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Student Led Services

Peer Mediation

Peer mediation is a process of resolving disputes and conflicts, using students trained in mediation to facilitate the process.

The peer-mediation program was established in order to deal with conflict resolution, such as conflicts among friends, fighting, disagreements, threats and gossip. The purpose is to promote peaceful co-existence and to provide a friendly climate within the school environment. The mediators must be trained by a school staff member. The training is part of the course, Creating Peace and Building Community. After successful completion of the course and training, each student receives a certificate of mediator training.

Card Control

Control Alcohol Rid Drug

CARD Control was founded in order to provide leadership and help for students to avoid drugs, tobacco, and alcohol. The strength of a club like this is very much dependent upon good strong leadership from the student officers and support of the student body. The club actively participates each year in DARE, PANDA, Red-Ribbon Week, Prom Promise, PEACE (ethnic & cultural), Drug & SAAD Alcohol Prevention Workshop, school substance abuse prevention activities, and the grade school program in substance abuse prevention education.

Peer Tutoring

Students helping students – that’s what Peer Tutoring is all about! Many NHS and Service Club members volunteer to help, but any student can join. Tutors meet with a student who requests help in a class in which they are having some difficulty. Sometimes peers can help get a point across in a different way than a teacher. One night per week from 3:00 – 3:45 is not too much to ask from a “family” member!

Link Crew

Link Crew is a program for Juniors and Seniors who are selected to participate.  They are trained to work with the incoming freshman class and other new students who are entering the school for the next school year.  Link Leaders go through an extensive training in August and they run the freshman orientation.  Throughout the course of the year, Link Leaders will get together with their groups to touch base, discuss problems, and plan social activities.  This is a very successful program that is led by students who are helping new students feel welcome to the school. The coordinators are Mrs. Janet Cadman and Mrs. Tina Hughes.